Our Fee Structure

We aren’t like most other Financial Planners.
We are an independent financial firm offering a wide variety of financial services and products.

Independent Firm

It's our responsibility to evaluate and assess your financial situation and only make recommendations that have your financial goals in mind.

Retirement Planning

While there are many things that are unique to you and your retirement planning, we have also found a lot of common concerns like; not running out of money, not overpaying taxes, and not losing money. We work together to develop a plan that helps instill confidence and not concern.

Wealth Management

We specially tailor investment strategies and plans to your unique situation, goals, and investment personality.

We understand there are some things you can’t control, but some things you can. One of the things you can control are the fees you have to pay. We want to be right up front and have transparency in how we get paid for the time, experience, knowledge and work on your behalf.

We get paid two ways. We charge a fee for providing custom, well-designed portfolios tailored to your own individual risk. Secondly, we earn commissions for any insurance tools we might need for your plan.

We do not receive commissions for buying or selling stocks or mutual funds.  Moreover, we do not receive any back-end or trail fees from mutual fund companies. We do not charge on performance, or on the types of securities or positions in your investment account.

We aim to keep our interests aligned with yours: as your account grows, so do we.

Advisory Fees

We administer a 1.00% annual fee on all managed accounts held at Fidelity.

Fidelity is not affiliated with Monolith Financial Group and AEWM.


Ready to take
The Next Step?

For more information about any of the products and services we provide, schedule a meeting today or register to attend a seminar.

Or give us a call at 916-367-6430